
Keep Your Projects on Schedule with im体育APP’s Remote Witness 测试

im体育APP’s engineers are available and working to ensure your projects stay on track during the COVID-19 crisis. im体育APP offers remote witnessing, allowing you to remotely watch or ‘witness’ testing of your products or materials. Our extensive engineering expertise makes working remotely possible. 

Remote witness testing can be performed on most any test conducted in a laboratory setting. It provides the opportunity for an engineer or quality inspector to ensure that tests are carried out in accordance with certification or compliance standards and contract requirements. We can support testing activities, configure samples and setups, and complete your testing without disruption and reduce the need for on-site witnessing. We are committed to help wherever we can.

测试 is witnessed in real-time and inspected after the test has been performed. im体育APP uses technology that has been developed to ensure that security standards for ITAR, 国防部, and DFARS are adhered to. 

Advantages of remote witness testing

  • Health and safety compliance – Personnel visiting im体育APP can adhere to health and safety guidelines by maintaining physical distance.  
  • Access to global experts – Remote testing also allows customers from various countries to interact with our experts from around the globe. They can conduct and advise on complex testing and assist with training where necessary.
  • Increased productivity – Your engineers and quality inspectors can watch the testing remotely, so travel can be avoided. 

The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP’s experts are on hand and ready to consult on all of your upcoming projects and testing needs. We are constantly at the forefront of emerging technologies to ensure the integrity and quality of your materials. If you have any questions on remote witness testing, please contact us today.

Remote witness testing and COVID-19 

As a global business whose number one value is safety, im体育APP has taken steps to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 to keep our clients and our colleagues safe. We recommend choosing remote witness testing when possible to keep you safe and prevent the spread of the disease.

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Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.